In today’s digital era, businesses have transformed their approaches to reaching consumers, utilizing digital platforms extensively to engage with their target market. While this shift offers promising prospects for your digital marketing agency, it also involves adapting to new financial intricacies and income sources. Thus, refining your accounting methods is crucial, enabling enhanced profitability and expansion within the competitive market landscape. If you require support in establishing and overseeing your accounting records, we’re available to help.


The practice of bookkeeping enables you to review your company’s achievements for the previous month. Our experienced bookkeeping specialists will organize your chart of accounts using standard account names commonly employed in digital marketing. This ensures you can interpret your financial statements using terminology that resonates with you. “Streamline your financial management and stay focused on growing your digital marketing business by leveraging our professional bookkeeping services today.”

Tax Preparation

Tax filing is essential, and our team at Floyd Bentley Accounting is here to manage the process using your financial records and any additional information you provide. Our tax specialists will carefully analyze your expenses to identify those that can be deducted from your taxes. After that, we’ll gather all the relevant information and complete the essential forms and schedules. Ensure seamless tax compliance for your digital marketing business with our expert Tax Preparation Services. Contact us today to streamline your tax filing process and avoid potential penalties, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

CFO Services

Customized for digital marketing agencies, our CFO services are geared toward helping you prepare for the future through forecasting and prediction. Harnessing the data from your financial records, our part-time CFOs utilize financial analysis to anticipate your future sales trends. Moreover, our part-time CFO services offer assistance with budgeting and holistic financial guidance. Optimize your financial strategies and achieve long-term success in the digital marketing industry with our tailored CFO Services. Contact us now to leverage our expertise and elevate your business’s financial performance to new heights.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Accounting

  1. Financial Transparency: By maintaining detailed accounting records, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your digital marketing agency’s financial position. This transparency enables you to identify areas of strength and weakness, facilitating strategic planning and informed decision-making.
  2. Budgeting and Planning: Accurate accounting data serves as the foundation for setting realistic budgets and developing strategic plans for your agency. By analyzing historical financial data and market trends, you can forecast future expenses and allocate resources effectively to achieve your business goals.
  3. Tax Compliance: With proper accounting practices in place, you can ensure compliance with tax regulations and deadlines. This includes accurately recording income, tracking deductible expenses, and filing tax returns on time, reducing the risk of costly penalties and audits.
  4. Expense Management: Accounting allows you to track and categorize expenses related to marketing campaigns, software subscriptions, advertising, and other operational costs. By monitoring spending patterns, you can identify areas where costs can be reduced or optimized to improve profitability.
  5. Performance Evaluation: Through detailed financial analysis, you can assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and overall business performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as return on investment (ROI), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and lifetime value (LTV) can be tracked to measure success and identify areas for improvement.